Baby care – the basics

Learn all about the baby basics – great tips on changing nappies, getting your baby to sleep and staying safe in the sun.

Caring for and bonding with a new baby

When mother and baby are united for the first time, a very special bond is created – a lifetime bond. Taking care of your baby during those initial stages may be challenging, but once you’ve established a set baby care routine, everything will start to fall into place.

Getting to know each other

Even though most mothers instantly bond with their baby, it’s all about getting to know each other and feeling comfortable. The time you spend caring for your baby in those early stages is crucial bonding time.

Enjoy those intimate moments

There are many precious moments to look forward to while spending time with your baby– be it bath time, changing nappies or tucking them in for bed. You only get to enjoy these moments once!

Caring for your baby’s sensitive skin

It’s well known that babies have the smoothest and most delicate skin, which requires special care to keep it healthy. As it is still developing and hasn’t fully formed its protective properties yet, it can be prone to redness and irritation and sensitive to different ingredients such as alcohol.

The nappy area is particularly sensitive, as it is often damp and in contact with urine. Keeping this area clean and comfortable is essential to having a happy baby. As it’s often. NIVEA Baby Pure & Sensitive Wipes clean maintaining the natural pH5 value of the skin.

Nappy rash is a very common condition in babies and almost every baby will experience it at some point and to a certain extent. The rash can be caused by a bacterial infection, new foods or simply friction from wetness. Changing your baby’s nappy and cleaning the nappy area frequently are both essential steps in avoiding nappy rash. Use NIVEA Baby Bottom Ointment in addition to create a barrier and keeping the nappy area dry and comfortable.

5 tips for healthy baby skin

  1. Keep young babies out of direct sunlight, as their skin is unable to repair UV damage
  2. Don’t use harsh laundry detergents, as they may cause irritation
  3. Use mild products like NIVEA Baby Shampoo & Bath to wash your baby and keep baby skin well-moisturised, for example with NIVEA Baby Soft Cream
  4. Do not bath your baby more than 1-2 times a week to prevent their skin from drying out
  5. Make sure your baby’s clothes are made from soft, natural fabrics and dress your child in several layers rather than very warm clothes to prevent sweating

How to Change a Nappy

1 Finding a suitable place
Find a clean, flat surface to change the nappy on – the floor, a table or changing table would work. Place your baby on a soft, washable changing pad, blanket or towel.
2 Removing the old nappy
Gently undress your little one, open the nappy, use wipes to clean up the mess and place them in the nappy before carefully rolling it up and securely seal it using the sticky tabs.
3 Cleaning your baby’s bottom

It’s vital to make sure that you thoroughly wipe your baby’s bottom all over, including any creases and rolls of skin. NIVEA Baby Soft & Cream Wipes are great for this and provide soothing relief to the area while cleaning.

4 Protecting the sensitive area
Wet nappies can cause friction, chafing and irritation. After cleaning, smooth on some NIVEA Baby Pure & Sensitive SOS Cream. Gently formulated with zinc oxide, it soothes the skin and protects it from irritation.
5 Putting on a fresh nappy
Slide a clean nappy underneath your baby with the sticky tabs facing upwards, before pulling up the front and fastening it securely using the sticky tabs – you’re all done!

Tips for dealing with your baby routine

With so many conflicting views on caring for babies, it can be confusing, but these pointers should put you on the right track.

How to get a baby to sleep

One issue that most new mums struggle with at the beginning is having their baby wake up in the night and how draining this can feel. There is no magic formula for getting a baby to sleep and stay asleep, but there are a few strategies you may want to try.

Make sure that you differentiate between the lively and active daytime and calm nighttime to give your baby’s body clock the chance to adjust. Having rituals like bath time and soft lighting before bed are also good for relaxation purposes. Keep the bedtime routine short and simple for your baby to associate it with sleeping time.

Some babies like to have a security object nearby like a blanket or a soft toy that has a familiar scent on it to comfort them. Always make sure to secure any soft object in the baby’s cradle so your baby is safe!

It’s advisable to leave some time after your baby’s last feed before putting them to bed. If you feed them to sleep, these two actions will be linked in their mind and they may expect feeding when they wake up during the night.

A sleeping baby means a happy mummy

It’s rare for a baby to fit in with your sleeping needs. Each baby has their own sleeping pattern and for most parents it works best to try to sleep when they do to avoid feeling constantly tired.

Baby care tips for the summer months

  • Make sure your baby is dressed in suitable clothing during the summer. Lightweight, light-coloured garments will keep them cool in warmer temperatures. Don’t forget to put on a hat to shield their face from the sun.
  • Hydration for babies is more important than ever during the summer months. When it’s very hot, make sure to to breastfeed more frequently. Additionally, you can offer bottled (still) water to your baby.
  • Ventilation is key – babies don’t sweat to cool themselves down as effectively as adults do, which is why keeping an eye on your baby and making sure they don‘t overheat is crucial.
  • As we know, sun safety for kids is enormously important, but babies have such delicate skin that avoiding direct sunlight altogether is recommended. Finding an area of shade is usually the best option to avoid any risk to your little one.
  • Avoid taking your baby out when the sun is at its strongest. Between the hours of 10am-2pm are when your baby is most at risk from sun exposure. Even after just 10-15 minutes of being outdoors during those hours can burn your baby’s delicate skin or bring on heat exhaustion.

Should I use baby sunscreen?

Dermatologists advise that the skin protection of children under the age of 3 is not yet fully developed. Thus, you should avoid taking your baby into direct sunlight. However, when going out, make sure to use a lotion with a high SPF like NIVEA Baby SUN Protection Lotion SPF 50+.